Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm insured!!!

Yea!  This is a very exciting day for me after about 6 years of living without it I finally have health insurance!  This has been a huge weight on my shoulders for years.  Every time I'd ride a bike or go in the ocean or have a car pull out in front of me I'd think about what would happen if I got hurt and how would I pay for it.  

Like most uninsured people I was just never able to afford it before.  I've worked the whole time I've been uninsured and I wouldn't call myself poor, but I'm nowhere close to being well-off either.  I'm just an average person to whom insurance was a luxury I couldn't afford.   Honestly I'm still not really able to afford it as I am self employed.  Luckily my lovely boyfriend had a great plan through his union that covers me.  

While I am very happy today knowing that I am covered by a good plan I'm also really mad that I like so many millions of others was put in such a bad spot for so long.  When is our government going to catch up with the other industrialized  countries and realize how valuable it's citizens are?

1 comment:

Jen said...

Whooo-hooo! That's great news. I lived for several years in my twenties without insurance, and I can totally empathize. You're so aware of risk in everything you do... Having insurance is such peace of mind. Congrats!