Friday, July 13, 2007


Wow, Jamie and I just got home from watching Michael Moore's new movie "Sicko" we were a bit blown away. It's really upsetting to see how people here are treated laid out so plainly in black and white. It forces you to contemplate our systems and how our "democracy" works (or not) and who it is working for.
If we aren't home some day look for us in France where we will be getting free health care, living in a beautiful condo in the city for less than I pay for my mortgage, and getting our required minimum 5 weeks paid vacation, having free nannies do our laundry and living longer then the rest of you suckers here. Oh yeah, and dressing the pups in cute berets!

late night shopping at Winco

Jamie and I eat very differently. For example I go to a farm every monday to pick up the share of produce that is grown for me there. I also don't eat meat other than fish, and generally try to keep my sugar intake somewhat maintained. However I've never really considered myself to be and extremely healthy eater. That is until the other night... Jamie and I went shopping, guess which groceries are mine and which ones belong to Jamie.

I couldn't believe it so we had to take a picture since it was so ridiculous! Plus I had just filled up my fridge earlier in the day with fresh produce.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

New 7 Wonders of the World

This is pretty cool, I voted on my fav. of the nominees for the new 7 world wonders and most of the ones I picked got voted in.

Check out the list here

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th pics

Hope everyone had a great 4th! Here are my boys relaxing in the shade after a big dinner. We also had my yummy cake!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th

Happy 4th to everyone. I've been thinking about what today means the last couple days. I'd say in general I'm not big on nationalism as I feel sometimes we use it as an excuse to treat others poorly or care less about those who aren't Americans. Plus with all of the crap going on in our government at the moment it makes me feel a little less then patriotic.
Then the more I thought about it I realized maybe some pride (and I'm not talking about acting superior) is what we need. Maybe if we took a bit more pride in our country and the ideals that we are supposedly founded on we would stop feeling so disillusioned and helpless and get motivated to make a change.

Just a thought. Hope you all had a fun and safe holiday!