Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I'm home...have been for a week now. I went to the doctor last thursday to see what the heck was going on with me since I still had vertigo or whatever it is. I was told to lay on my back for a week. A WHOLE WEEK! So, I can't say that I've been doing the best job at staying in bed, but I think I've been doing pretty darn good! I've decided I'll spend most of today and most of tomorrow in bed and I think that's about as much as I can stomach. I've been passing the time by watching Coupling on my Netflix Roku and reading cooking blogs mostly the Post Punk Kitchen which is doing nothing except making me angry that I can't be out of bed long enough to make cupcakes.

If my vertigo lasts much longer Jamie may need to learn how to bake... cupcakes to be exact.

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