Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

Have a great night everyone and be safe!  2007 has been a really good year for me and I hope it has for you too!  

See all you fools at the gym next week trying hard to meet your resolutions.  

I'll try and remember to take pictures of tonights festivities (one of my resolutions is to take more photos)

The pic above is from last year at Carrie's house.  I think there is still some confetti floating around that place. 

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Today has been a really hard day.  We had to put my parents dog Gelbie to sleep after a rough bout with pancreatitis.  She was such a sweetheart and we'll miss her terribly.  It's a relief to everyone that she's no longer suffering.  Rest in Peace sweet girl.

A Must See!

I got this set of DVDs for Christmas and it's sooo impressive.  If you haven't seen them yet rent or buy soon!  You wont be sorry.
P.S.  Make sure you get the BBC version  

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Who is your candidate?

This is pretty neat, it asks you a bunch of questions on the current hot-button issues and then matches you up with 3 presidential candidates that fit you the best. Wait for the page to load then click the button to start it. I wasn't to psyched on some of the choices for the answers but oh well...

My top three matches in case you are wondering are
1. Kucinich (I don't know why but I can't seem to bring myself to totally like him yet)
2. Gravel (people think he's crazy, and I know he wont win)
3. Biden (I don't even know a thing about him)

HAHA it's going to be an interesting year!!!


Is this for real?  I don't want to be paranoid but...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!  I will be using my IKEA G.C.s to start by bathroom remodel project.  Don't worry I'll be posting some pics of me trying to figure out the instructions, IKEA may be cheap but they sure make you work!

For my cookie platters this year (I give these out to family) I made some old favorites of mine and added a new one this year

I also was in charge of making a cocktail for our family get together and it was a hit!  Here is an awesome recipe for pomegranate cosmos

Lastly, I made some awesome mac and cheese that I was very happy with!  

Me and the pups are spending the day after xmas recovering from all of the excitement by laying on the couch doing nothing.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Republican YouTube debates

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I'm a Democrat. Even so, I think it's very important to know what both parties have to say and who the candidates are.  I watched the Republican YouTube debates last night.  They were given some hard questions from people all over the country who posted their questions on YouTube.  Well, I can safely say that I wont be switching parties anytime soon!  It's funny how much both sides pander to their audiences.  Giuliani seems like a car salesman to me.  Ron Paul has some interesting things to say and doesn't seem like he's sold out and telling everyone what he thinks they want to hear, however none of them are anywhere close to who I would want leading the country I live in.   

Anyway, if you haven't checked it out yet click HERE to check out the debate

neat products

I found these aprons online and thought they were so cute
Actually If you need Christmas ideas for anyone who is a cook or just a food geek in general I found a list of great ideas here

UPDATE: Kudos to the boyfriend for paying attention to my blog and buying me a cute apron for xmas!  I will be sure to drop more hints on here from now on :)